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Growing an Immersion Program - Current & Future 

Since inception our goal has been to open an Immersion School of our own. Hipéexnu' team has just finished our first organization Strategic Plan. An area we are lacking is qualified, dedicated, and all of thee above, Nimíipuutimt instructors. This is a national problem and therefore, we have planned to take a pause in the Preschool arena for SIX months.

A tenure break to finish the 20 lessons plans (50-100 pages each) filled with activities that touch on all the important growth areas: Social Emotional Motor Logical and linguistic capabilities. We have three children's books that are finished and ready for print. Several videos that past and current Youth Learnees have created. Utilizing this in our future school was and still is our goal.

qa'ánin' - respectfully Hipéexnu'
YL 2024.JPG

Culture is what you do on a daily basis.
The things people and places that you value.
More than ever, we need to think about what we all share, "mother earth."

What are ways you can reduce your carbon footprint?

’eqíicqitx wetéesne ’óykala’ayn - Protect the earth for everyone.

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